Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This is my first blog and I'm not really familiar with that environment. I created it in a  try & error mode. The nature of a blog is an ongoing report about what happens every day. Therefore the latest entry is alway on the top. As I wrote my report after I was back to home I did it in form of a story: The story begins with the start of my trip. Please ignore the dates outside the frames/chapters likeTuesday, July 3, 2012 at the beginnig. It's only a work-around to invert the order of the daily posts.

I’m writing this blog as a special Thank You to all the lovely people who I met on my trip. They should know what happened on my further way and that I arrived at home happy and healthy.
Germany – France – England – France – Belgium – Germany

I know that my English is not really good and it will sometimes being hard for you following my descriptions. If English is your mother tongue it could be a pain for you! Forgive me - but I will ignmore that issue. ;-) I'm hoping that you can get at least what I mean :-).

I’m happy that I met a lot of people who were all very friendly and helped me every time when I needed help. Just only one exception was under all of them who created some trouble - but at the end that issue was the root cause for some nice meetings later on. Over all it was a great experience for me and I enjoyed all the meetings and interesting conversations very much.

Let's start with the week before my UK trip.

Prolog  -  16. - 20. May 2012
 I was on a tour in Switzerland guided by the German Bicycle Club ADFC (local group Tuebingen). We started at Lake Konstanz and cycled into the Appenzeller Land in Switzerland, an area between the Lake Konstanz and the Alps - and hilly enough for beeing a good training.... It was my personal prolog to my following special Tour de France.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Start at Lake Konstanz:Lindau / Germany. At this end of the lake you can cycle trough 3 countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland within one hour. In the background the area we were cycling the next few days.

Overnighting always on farms - beds were 'sleeping on straw'.

Leaving the cowshed - we slept above them under the roof.

  800 m above lake Konstanz - in the background the Saentis which follows in the next picture from nearer.

Fresh and clear air - much better as cycling at 30 degree Celsius.