Thursday, June 28, 2012

Saturday, 26. May
Pont-A-Mousson (D) - Pure/Sedan (E)  - 150 km 

 I passed a lot of military cemeteries from various nations.

The next day brought me 150 km via Verdun to (nearly) Sedan. It was already 19:30 when I cycled
together with a local cyclist along a road. We were talking a little bit and I was happy as he asked me if he could help to find an accommodation. In the next hour it became more and more clear that there was NOTHING free! An oldtimer meeting in Sedan over Pentecost (Pfingsten) booked all rooms around the city. At the end the friendly Alan took me to his home. 

We were talking until midnight – in German :-). He spoke German very well as he was working one year as a waiter in Cologne before he started his education at the university. I was happy to meet such a nice mate nad he was happy to practice his German. His family was very surprised when they came home seeing daddy sitting with a crazy German cyclist in the kitchen  :-). 
At next morning we had an early breakfast and Alan accompanied me a few kilometers until I was back to the main road.

Alan - Thank you very much for your wonderful hospitality! You rescued me from sleeping under a bridge at that night!

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