Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sunday, Pentecost (Pfingsten), 27. May 
Pure/Sedan (E) - La Chateau de Combresis (F) -  161 km

Another nice story: When I arrived at about 20:00 at La Chateau de Combresis, a beatuiful, little town.

I asked for an accommodation but one hotel has closed over Pentecost and at the second one nobody opened. 

I went over the street and asked a young couple if they would know something else. They were sitting in front of an restaurant having dinner. The waiter realized my situation and phoned the hotel on the other side of the street from where I came from. It was fully booked. 

But he knew a 3rd one. As it was complicate to describe the way he asked the young man who just finished his dinner to bring me to this hotel! We walked about 10 minutes and at the end we arrived at a nice, old hotel where a friendly lady opened. She spoke enough English to clarify what’s necessary and at next morning I enjoyed a wonderful breakfast on the terrace.  

Exclusive bike garage in the breakfast room ...

... while breakfast was served on the terrace.

Monday, 28. May
La Chateau de Combresis (F) - Calais (G) 187 km ......

Why are all cows on the left of the tree? They are in the SHADOW! I missed it....

Well, the distance to Calais was too short to split it on two days and I thought cycling in the evening is not so hard as doing that under the not sun. I also expected that the last 150 km will be flat. Unfortuately only the last little piece was flat :-( .

1,5 hours to calais

At the end I arrived at midnight in Calais but needed about an hour until I found out the way to the ferry which is allowed to be used by cyclists. I bought my ticket, eat something and was dozing a little bit until I enterd the first ferry of the next morning.

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